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Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA)

PLHA provides funding to local governments for housing-related projects and programs that assist in addressing unmet housing needs.

The Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) is a State funding source through the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). PLHA was established in 2017 by Senate Bill 2, the Building Homes and Jobs Act. The goal of SB 2 is to address the State's housing shortage and high housing costs.

We receive PLHA funds annually from HCD because of our status as an Entitlement Community through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). PLHA funds fluctuate annually based on the number of real estate transactions.

Applying for PLHA Funds

In 2020, the Board of Supervisors approved a five-year plan to use PLHA funds as a match to our local Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Around January of each year, we release a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for these funds and accept funding applications.

Funding Priorities

Priority Setting Committee Priorities

The Priority Setting Committee established the following funding priorities for Marin's allocation of PLHA funds:

  • Family Housing
  • Rental Housing – Acquisition, New Construction, Rehabilitation
  • Homeowner Housing – Acquisition, New Construction, Rehabilitation
  • Special Needs Housing
  • Land trust in eastern Marin that provides home ownership opportunities, with specific inclusion for African Americans
  • Alignment with the efforts to advance fair housing and equity

HCD Priorities

  • Project readiness
  • Demonstration of site control
  • Priority for projects that support households earning 60% Area Median Income (AMI) or below


Page updated June 27, 2024