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2023 June 16 Support letter SB 227 Undocumented workers unemployment

Document last updated on Friday, March 8, 2024.


June 16, 2023

The Honorable Senator Dave Cortese, Chair
Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement
1021 O Street, Suite 6740
Sacramento, California 95814

Re:   Support for Senate Bill 227 (Durazo) – Unemployment: Excluded Workers Program

Dear Senator Cortese:

On behalf of the Marin County Board of Supervisors, I write in support of Senate Bill 227, aimed at extending unemployment benefits to excluded workers through changes to the administration of income assistance by the Employment Development Department. This would advance the goal of stabilizing households and families for more California workers seeking new employment after losing a job.

Our Board has long supported access to critical social and safety net services for all residents of this County, regardless of immigration status. Undocumented residents and workers in Marin are an essential part of our community’s fabric: providing essential services to the economy, participating in community events and cultural enrichment, and learning at our schools. Our Board’s 2023 Legislative Plan elevates this priority and explicitly supports expanding eligibility of social services to residents regardless of immigration status.

Unemployment benefits are a critical lifeline in the American safety net. Our system acknowledges that unforeseen circumstances or events can lead to sudden employment loss at any time, and the loss of income can be detrimental to not only an individual but also to the family members or dependents they support. Despite the estimated millions of dollars in state and local taxes that undocumented workers in California contribute on their paychecks, they are not eligible for unemployment insurance. SB 227 will help many families, not only in Marin County, but throughout California, by providing essential income assistance to all workers in our economy regardless of documentation – ensuring greater financial stability for all residents, while maintaining vibrant local economies.

SB 227 aligns with our County’s values of equity and furthering support for some of the most vulnerable members of our community, and we respectfully urge your support of this legislation.


Stephanie Moulton-Peters, President
Marin County Board of Supervisors

Cc: Marin County Board of Supervisors
Senator Mike McGuire
Assemblymember Damon Connolly

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Page updated April 19, 2024