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Planning Division Development Resources

Use these factsheets and other resources to help you understand rules for development and prepare for submitting Planning Permits.

Our factsheets summarize our rules to help you get started with your project. But, it's best to always refer to actual policies or regulations. 

Find all of our plans, policies and regulations for development and uses that apply in unincorporated Marin. These include:

  • The Development Code. This is our set of development-related regulations, including zoning and subdivision regulations.
  • The Local Coastal Program. This is our set of development-related regulations and policies that apply in the Coastal Zone.
  • The Countywide Plan. This is the blueprint to carry out the County’s long-term vision for development. The Countywide Plan includes goals, policies and implementation measures.
  • Community Plans. These are plans within the Countywide Plan that carry out the visions for specific communities.

Coastal Permit Categorical Exclusion. Certain projects within the County’s Coastal Zone may qualify for an exclusion Coastal Permit requirements. Learn more about the exclusion orders and how to apply for one.

San Geronimo Valley Community Standards. Learn about the unique rules for we apply to improving property in San Geronimo Valley, especially along streams. 

Williamson Act Program. Learn about the Williamson Act Program and the tax benefits it provides to farm land in unincorporated Marin.

Site Planning for Storm Water Management
Projects subject to Planning Permits may be affected by storm water management standards set by the Department of Public Works. Use these resources to prepare your lot coverage and landscaping designs. 

Fact Sheets for Development Standards

The documents in this list may not work with all assistive technology and are being remediated. For alternative formats, please email Immanuel Bereket or phone 415-473-2755. To use the California relay service, dial 711.

  • Affordable Housing Requirements (0.27 MB) — This includes current housing fees. This also summarizes Affordable Housing Requirements including Affordable Housing Impact Fees and Inclusionary Zoning Policy and In-Lieu Fee.
  • Building Inspection Verification Procedures (0.11 MB) — This summarizes procedures for verifying setbacks, building height, and floor area ratio during the Building Permit Review and construction process. Use the example certification formats when submitting verifications to release Building Permit holds related to setbacks, building height, and floor area ratio.
  • Coastal Zone Development Standards Summary (0.04 MB) — This chart summarizes standards for density, minimum lot size, height, setback, and floor area ratio. This includes zoning districts in the Coastal Zone of the unincorporated Marin County.
  • Development Code Standards Summary (Non-Coastal) (0.03 MB) — This chart summarizes standards for density, minimum lot size, height, setback, and floor area ratio. This includes zoning districts in the non-coastal areas of the unincorporated Marin County.
  • Height Measurement Fact Sheet (0.22 MB) — This summarizes the Planning Division's Development Code's definition for building height and how to measure it.
  • Property Development Standards: Outdoor Construction Activities & Installing Utilities (0.12 MB) — This summaries sections of the Development Code that regulate certain outdoor construction activities and installing utilities.
  • Tree Removal Permit Fact Sheet (0.17 MB) — This summarizes when we require a Tree Removal Permit and lists protected and heritage trees. This also provides exemptions from Tree Removal Permit requirements.
  • Tree and Vegetation Removal in the Coastal Zone Fact Sheet (0.67 MB) — This summarizes Coastal Permit requirements when removing trees in the Coastal Zone.

Fact Sheets for Development in Specific Areas

The documents in this list may not work with all assistive technology and are being remediated. For alternative formats, please email Immanuel Bereket or phone 415-473-2755. To use the California relay service, dial 711.

  • Kent Woodlands Development Fact Sheet (0.12 MB) — This summarizes development requirements for the Kent Woodlands areas of Kentfield subject to the Kent Woodlands Land Use Policy Report.
  • Lucas Valley Community Standards Fact Sheet (0.05 MB) — This summarize the Marin County Development Code standards for development in the Lucas Valley Area in unincorporated San Rafael. This applies to the R1:BLV (Residential, Single-family, Lucas Valley Community) zoning district.
  • Tamalpais Area Development Fact Sheet (0.12 MB) — This summarizes development requirements in the unincorporated Tamalpais Area of Mill Valley under the Tamalpais Area Community Plan.

Factsheets for Specific Types of Development or Uses

The documents in this list may not work with all assistive technology and are being remediated. For alternative formats, please email Immanuel Bereket or phone 415-473-2755. To use the California relay service, dial 711.

  • Home Occupation Zoning Verification (0.14 MB) — Use this form to verify your home occupation complies with operating standards under Marin County Development Code Section 22.32.100. Keep a completed copy for your records.

Guides on How to Prepare Special Documents

The documents in this list may not work with all assistive technology and are being remediated. For alternative formats, please email Immanuel Bereket or phone 415-473-2755. To use the California relay service, dial 711.

Sample Materials for Planning Permits

Use the sample materials in the list below as references when preparing plans for Planning Permits. These plans provide information required by the Planning Application Submittal Checklist.

The documents in this list may not work with all assistive technology and are being remediated. For alternative formats, please email Immanuel Bereket or phone 415-473-2755. To use the California relay service, dial 711.


Page updated June 27, 2024