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Programs to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing

The 2023-2031 Marin County Housing Element includes programs to affirmatively further fair housing.

The Housing Element identifies 4 programs to affirmatively further fair housing (AFFH).

The goal of AFFH is to achieve fair housing choice and opportunity for all, by:

  • Combating housing discrimination
  • Eliminating racial bias, 
  • Undoing historic patterns of segregation
  • Lifting barriers that restrict access 

These programs are listed below to include an overview of its objective(s), schedule and status.


Program 30: Fair Housing Outreach and Enforcement

Program 30a: Dispute Resolution

  • Objective: Assist an average of 50 residents annually with tenant/landlord dispute resolution and fair housing inquiries and investigations.
  • Due Date: Ongoing 
  • Status: (Complete; Ongoing) In 2023 calendar year, CPU received 20 landlord-tenant mediation requests, of which 9 were eligible under the rental housing dispute resolution (mandatory mediation). Fair Housing of Northern California counseled over 300 tenants and homeowners in Marin County, screening clients for fair housing issues and providing appropriate referrals for clients who did not allege discrimination or have a disability-related housing need.

Program 30b: Resource Webpage 

  • Objective: Update annually, or more frequently as needed, the County's Landlord and Tenant Resources webpage.
  • Due Date: Ongoing 
  • Status: (Ongoing) The County’s website has been updated throughout 2023 to reflect the regulations and resources. Marin County is in the process of comprehensively restructuring and updating the webpages and this will be done in 2025. 

Program 30c: Outreach 

  • Objective: Increase fair housing outreach to Homeowners Associations, realtors, property managers and brokers, as well as individual property owners (such as single-unit homes, duplex/triplex units and ADUs used as rentals). Specifically promote the State's Source of Income Protection bills (Senate Bill 329 and Senate Bill 222).
  • Due Date: Ongoing 
  • Status: (Ongoing) Fair Housing of Northern California (FHANC) sends announcements regarding training seminars to property owners (in the public and private sectors), real estate organizations, apartment owner's associations, and other housing provider's. Source of Income is covered in Fair Housing trainings held by FHANC and Source of Income brochures are distributed throughout the County.

Program 31: Tenant Protection Strategies

Program 31a: Landlord Registry 

  • Objective: Continue to implement the County's Landlord Registry requirement.
  • Due Date: Ongoing 
  • Status: (Ongoing) Staff work to continuously update the system to enhance user experience and support efforts for quality data collection. 

Program 31b: Community Outreach 

  • Objective: Begin community outreach to discuss various tenant protection strategies. Study the administrative and financial feasibility and relative efficiency of each strategy.
  • Due Date: December 2024.
  • Status: (In Progress) On March 5, 2024 the Board of Supervisors approved a contract with Community Planning Collaborative for Countywide Anti-Displacement Outreach and Education. The project is expected to take 6-8 months to complete. The final deliverable of this work is to create summary of outreach and explore feasibility, including administrative and financial factors, of various tenant protections. 

Program 31c: Adoption 

  • Objective: Based on the outcome of community outreach and also assessment of feasibility, adopt appropriate tenant protection strategies.
  • Due Date: December 2024.
  • Status: (In Progress) Based on the work described above, staff will present tenant protection strategies to the Board of Supervisors. 

Program 31d: Work with Cities and Towns 

  • Objective: Continue to work with Marin cities and towns to consider similar policies.
  • Due Date: Ongoing
  • Status: (Ongoing) See Program 31a. The contract for outreach and engagement described above is Countywide and will be administered through the Housing Working Group. 

Program 31e: Work with Marin Housing Authority 

  • Objective: Annually work with Marin Housing Authority to promote the use of HCVs, especially in High/Higher Resource and higher income areas.
  • Due Date: Ongoing
  • Status: (Ongoing) Marin County funded the landlord partnership contract to support housing affordability by increasing the Housing Choice voucher success rates from 59% to 65%, with a focus on affirmatively furthering fair housing and affirmative marketing.

Program 32: Comprehensive Review of Zoning and Planning Policies

  • Objective: Conduct comprehensive review of zoning and planning policies and make appropriate revisions to remove discriminatory language and policies.
  • Due Date: December 2024.
  • Status: (Not Started)

Program 33: Community Engagement and Regional Collaboration

Program 33a: Outreach 

  • Objective: Develop a work plan and present to BOS to identify new geographic areas/populations for outreach and establish a protocol for conducting outreach, with coordinated efforts with County CDA.
  • Due Date: December 2023 
  • Status: (In Progress) The CDA Outreach team is composed of representatives across Divisions within the Department, including Housing, Sustainability, Planning (long-range and current), Environmental Health Services, and media team. The team was formed in 2020 with the goal of addressing scattered and inconsistent outreach and engagement practices across CDA. In 2023, the group continued to convene bi-weekly to discuss best practices and lessons learned, and provide updates on current and upcoming engagement projects. In late 2023, the group discussed and established goals for the upcoming calendar year, including developing greater communication with other Divisions, and establishing shared resources. A work plan for new geographic areas will be presented later this year to the Board of Supervisors.

Program 33b: Regional Working Group 

  • Objective: Continue working with the regional working group on housing to coordinate and collaborate on regional solutions to housing issues.
  • Due Date: Ongoing 
  • Status: Ongoing In 2023, Staff continued to convene a countywide working group of planners to encourage interjurisdictional collaboration on housing issues and solutions. The working group established common goals and coordinate housing legislation, planning, production, and preservation of existing affordability. 
    • The working group applied jointly for SB2 planning grants in the summer and fall of 2019 and have completed these grant projects including Objective Design and Development Standards, an ADU Workbook and Website, and Inclusionary housing program updates. The group received funds from ABAG to work collaboratively on shared Housing Element deliverables including translation dollars, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing products, and a countywide website. Additionally, the group is using funds for future Housing Element implementation. 
    • County staff also meet with other collaborative coordinators from the 8 other bay area counties and share resources and deliverables. Recently, staff have started to collaborate with other counties to share resources for the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority outreach and engagement for the expenditure plan. 


Page updated June 27, 2024