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Reporting Requirements

Find templates and forms to help with your reporting requirements.

Funding Sources

If your project has been awarded funds, you will need to submit a report of how you used the funds. You can find templates and forms on this page to help you with this requirement.

We will reach out to you via email to request information to satisfy the Housing Trust Fund reporting requirement, including:

  • A copy of an audit or unaudited financials covering the end of the fiscal year
  • Rent roll. You can use our template. If your rent roll information is maintained in a different tool, feel free to submit that to us, provided it contains all of the information included in the template.

These reports are due January 31st (covering July 1st - December 31st) & July 31st (covering January 1st - June 30th) unless otherwise indicated by staff.

This report is due January 31st (covering July 1st - December 31st) & July 31st (covering January 1st - June 30th) unless otherwise indicated by staff.


Page updated June 28, 2024