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Affordable Housing Fund Application

Apply for Affordable Housing Funds for projects throughout Marin.

How to Apply

To apply, submit the online application below and include the following required attachments by project type.

Affordable Housing Fund Application

Application Attachments

  • Project Budget
  • Any additional supporting materials

Applicant and co-applicant organizational attachments (as applicable)

  • Current year's operating budget
  • Organizational budget
  • Financial statements for last three years (audited preferred)
  • Board of Directors
  • IRS Tax Exemption letter

Project materials

  • Pro forma, including:
    • Rent roll (if applicable)
    • Performance schedule
    • Acquisition/construction sources and uses
    • Permanent sources and uses
    • Completed 1-year operating budget and 20-year cash flow
  • Documentation of site control (e.g. purchase contract, option to purchase, grant deed)
  • Memorandum of understanding between co-applicants or borrower and development consultant (if applicable)

  • Board Resolution that authorizes site acquisition and application for funds (if entity’s governing body is a board) 
  • Appraisal (including Fair Market Value and Value with Regard to Restrictions)
  • Preliminary Title Report
  • Capital Needs Assessment
  • Architectural Drawings
  • Property Inspection Reports
  • Survey and Analysis of Building Systems
  • Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
  • Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
  • Copies of applications for other funding and commitment letters
  • Affirmative Marketing Plan (County template available) 
  • Tenant Income Certification Forms
  • Proposed Temporary Relocation Plan

Eligibility and Requirements

Review our Affordable Housing Fund Guidelines page for more information.


You can use our public service and community infrastructure project budget template used for your Marin Affordable Housing Fund application.

We can also provide a pro forma template. To request a template, get in contact with us by email or phone (415) 473-7309, CA Relay 711.


Page updated June 27, 2024